Commission I DPR RI Issues The Entry Of The Ministry Of Defense's Budget From The State Budget Into Personal Accounts

JAKARTA - Commission I DPR RI has questioned the use of personal accounts in the management of the State Budget at the Ministry of Defense amounting to Rp.48.1 billion. According to member of Commission I DPR RI Willy Aditya, the ministry led by Prabowo Subianto should comply with the State Finance Law which does not recognize discretion.

He emphasized that the funds that enter this personal account must be accounted for. Moreover, the budget used is not part of the minister's operational funds.

"There is no discretion of state money which is used without accountability, including by the Ministry of Defense. All use of state money must comply with the State Finance Law and the Ministry of Defense must explain and improve financial reports in accordance with the mechanisms regulated by law," Willy told reporters in Jakarta, Wednesday. , 22 July.

Furthermore, this NasDem Party politician also criticized the reasons for using personal accounts for attaché purposes. "If you say the need for the defense attaché is even more strange. Why is the need for an attaché not being budgeted for," he said.

Reflecting on this incident, he then requested that the Ministry of Defense's budget be allocated according to the assignment needs in order to maintain accountability for the use of the state budget.

He also reminded, if the attaché of the Ministry of Defense does not yet have his own account approved by the Ministry of Finance, it must be resolved.

"If the defense attaché does not yet have a collection account, immediately finish it. Don't let this be a finding that damages the image of the ministry's state finances," he said.

In line with Willy, member of Commission I DPR RI Abdul Kadir Karding also criticized the use of personal accounts to manage the state budget at the Ministry of Defense.

According to him, the reason for speed as conveyed by the Spokesperson for the Minister of Defense for Public Communication and Inter-Agency Relations, Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak, is an inaccurate reason.

"We are in the scope of the state financial administration. Of course it is very inappropriate if the reason for the speed of work becomes justification for us to crash the rules and administration signs," said Karding.

The politician from the National Justice Party (PKB) said that the state already has a system that is not arbitrary. So, the Ministry of Defense must explain in detail regarding the use of these personal accounts so that the same thing does not happen.

"Apart from that they must immediately coordinate with law enforcers. Do not let law enforcers misunderstand the good intentions of the Ministry of Defense," he said.

Previously, the BPK released an Audit Result Report on the 2019 Central Government Financial Report (LKPP). In that report, the BPK found that there were APBN funds whose management was entered into private accounts and the findings occurred in the financial reports of ministries and institutions for 2019.

In its findings, the BPK recorded that the total findings of state budget fund management using personal accounts reached IDR 71.78 billion. These findings are spread across five ministries / agencies, namely the Ministry of Defense, the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu), the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), and the Nuclear Energy Supervisory Agency.