State Mandate, DPR Reminds Komcad Personnel Not To Be An Event For Arrogance

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Minister of Defense (Menhan) Prabowo Subianto inaugurated the first 3,103 Reserve Component (Komcad) personnel on Thursday, October 7. A member of Commission I of the DPR RI, the PKS faction, Sukamta, reminded that Komcad should not be used as a means of bragging. He explained that being a Komcad must be based on a soul calling based on love for the country and the nation. said Sukamta, Friday, October 8th. The member of the DPR for the defense sector said that during its active period, Komcad must comply with the law of military discipline, and must fulfill mobilization orders because its function as a reserve army is subject to the same law as the main component (TNI). During the inactive period, said Sukamta, it is hoped that Komcad will be able to maintain its attitude in the daily life of society, nation and state.

"Komcad together with the TNI must of course be able to protect and protect the wider community, cooperate with other components such as Pamswakarsa in the Police," he said. the need for Komcad to be important to support the main components in an effort to defend the country.

"Enjoy your duty. Indeed, Komcad human resources (HR) are voluntary but if they have passed the selection, they must participate in basic military training (latsarmil) for 3 months. And after being appointed as Komcad, it has obligations that must be fulfilled," he said.

The former member of the Working Committee for the PSDN Bill also emphasized that apart from human resources, Komcad also includes natural resources (SDA), artificial resources (SDB), and national infrastructure.

"I hope the Ministry of Defense also doesn't forget to manage the 3 non-HR resources appropriately in accordance with the laws and regulations, including RI Law Number 23 of 2019 concerning Management of National Resources for National Defense (PSDN)," he said.

This Yogyakarta electoral district legislator added that the management of Komcad 3 resources was not voluntary. The government, he said, chose to designate the 3 resources as Komcad. Sukamta said that the owner could not refuse as stipulated in Article 79 of the PSDN Law. There is a maximum imprisonment of 4 years for the owners and managers of SDA, SDB and sarprasnas who deliberately do not want to give up the use of their resources which have been designated as Komcad. As long as it is active, the cost of care and maintenance is borne by the state," explained Sukamta.

Sukamta gave an example of A's house, based on the government's analysis, that it is a strategic area that must be included in Komcad. So, during the active period these costs are borne by the state.

If there is a war and A's house is damaged or even destroyed, it is the responsibility of the state to rebuild it. This is more profitable from the owner's side than if the house is destroyed by war and the state does not pay for it because it is not part of Komcad.

“Well, once again, the government should not forget about these resource arrangements. We hope that this arrangement will fulfill justice in terms of citizens' human rights," said Sukamta.