YPG Leader Says US Remains In Syria To Fight ISIS

JAKARTA - The United States will continue to play a role in Syria to fight Daesh or ISIS and build infrastructure, Ilham Ahmed, one of the leaders of the Syrian wing of the PKK terrorist group, the YPG, said Thursday, underscoring that Washington is showing a clear commitment.

"They promised to do whatever it took to destroy ISIS and work to build infrastructure in northeastern Syria," Ahmed told Reuters, citing Daily Sabah on Oct. 7, following meetings in Washington with representatives of the White House, State Department and Pentagon.

"They said they would stay in Syria and would not back down, they would continue fighting ISIS," Ahmed said, using an alternative name for Daesh.

"Before they were unclear under (former President Donald) Trump and during the Afghanistan withdrawal, but this time they made things clear."

Meanwhile, citing Reuters, Ahmed, who met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Moscow last month, said they had also spoken with Russia, the 'main player in Syria', and were also ready for dialogue with Iran.

The PKK is a recognized terrorist organization in the United States, Turkey and the European Union. Washington's support for them causes tensions with Ankara.

The United States has primarily partnered with the YPG in northeastern Syria in its fight against the Islamic State terrorist group. On the other hand, Turkey strongly opposes the presence of the YPG in northern Syria.

Ankara has long objected to US support for the YPG, a group that poses a threat to Turkey and which terrorizes local residents, destroying their homes and forcing them to flee.