Initially Staying, Men In Medan Steal His Own Girlfriend's Suzuki Swift

MEDAN - The Medan Helvetia Police Sector Team, Medan City, North Sumatra arrested a man with the initials ZA (38) for stealing his girlfriend's car by staying at the victim's house.

"The suspect ZA is a recidivist who has served a 1.2-year sentence related to narcotics. Now he has been arrested again by the Medan Helvetia District Police for theft," said Medan Police Chief Helvetia Kompol Pardamean Hutahean quoted by Antara, Thursday, October 8.

The car theft occurred on Wednesday, September 22. At that time, the perpetrator was sleeping at the house of the victim with the initials E on Jalan Banten, Medan Helvetia.

At around 07.00 WIB, the victim woke up and saw that his car was not in the garage of his house. The vehicle registration certificate that the victim kept in the wallet was also missing.

The victim then looked for the perpetrator at his residence, but the perpetrator had already fled.

"The victim tried to contact the perpetrator but the perpetrator's cellphone was no longer active. For this incident the victim made a complaint report to the Medan Helvetia Police," he said.

Based on the report, the police conducted an investigation and succeeded in arresting the perpetrator in his hometown in Meunasah Puuk Village, Samalanga District, Bireun Regency, Aceh.

The officers also secured evidence in the form of a Suzuki Swift car with the police number BK 1631 JH. The perpetrators were taken to the Mako Polsek Medan Helvetia for legal proceedings.

"We impose Article 362 of the Criminal Code against the perpetrators of ZA, the threat of imprisonment for 5 years," he said.