APBN Entering Personal Account, Ministry Of Defense: For Attache Purposes While Working Abroad

JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the Minister of Defense for Public Communication and Inter-Institutional Relations Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak responded to the findings of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) regarding the flow of cash management funds from the Ministry of Defense (Kemenhan) to private accounts.

In its findings, the BPK said that there was a budget of Rp. 48.1 billion that was entered into personal accounts without reports or had not received permission from the Minister of Finance.

Dahnil said the findings were actually related to the work of Indonesian Defense Ministry attachés around the world.

"These findings are related to the activities of defense attaches around the world, which in carrying out their duties abroad require an immediate and fast transfer of activity funds," Dahnil was quoted as saying in his written statement, Wednesday, July 22.

Furthermore, Dahnil said he had reported the opening of the account in his personal name to the Ministry of Finance. Most of these financing activities took place in 2019.

"Everything has been fully explained to the BPK auditors because it is clear and clear that is why the Ministry of Defense has obtained the WTP opinion in 2019," he said.

Previously reported, the BPK released an Audit Result Report on the 2019 Central Government Financial Report (LKPP). In that report, the BPK found that there were APBN funds whose management was entered into personal accounts and the findings occurred in the financial reports of ministries and institutions for 2019.

In its findings, the BPK recorded that the total findings of state budget fund management using personal accounts reached IDR 71.78 billion. These findings are spread across five ministries / agencies, namely the Ministry of Defense, the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu), the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), and the Nuclear Energy Supervisory Agency.