When The Governor Of Kaltara Nyambel Made Visitors To The Teras Warung

TARAKAN - Tetiba visitors to Warung Teras on Jalan Yos Sudarso, Tarakan, North Kalimantan, were shocked. This is because a group of the Governor of North Kalimantan, Irianto Lambrie, came there.

This group stole the attention because they came straight into the kitchen of the seafood restaurant. Their movement of passing by also made visitors who were having lunch turn around.

Terrace Warung in Tarakan (Bagus Santosa / VOI)

The staff at the shop were also immediately busy, taking out a number of items, one of which was a large mortar. They put the items on the table with the words reserved.

"You want to be disgruntled," said someone in the North Kalimantan provincial government official dress.

All ingredients for nyambel are served. Some of which are visible are chilies, tomatoes, lime, salt and sugar. The governor, who was wearing a brown batik, has also been covered in an apron. He immediately took the place to knead the chili sauce.

"The governor is often annoyed when he comes here. He comes here quite often, sometimes alone, sometimes with his guests," said a restaurant guard.

The governor did not feel awkward and immediately picked up the ingredients that had been placed in the mortar. While he told me about his hobby.

Meanwhile, some visitors got up from their desks and saw the governor. Some of the others continued to eat the food on their plates.

"I usually do this. At home I also like to talk," said Irianto to VOI.

Governor of North Kalimantan Irianto Lambrie speaks at Warung Teras, Tarakan (Bagus Santosa / VOI)

His hands are shrewd at moving the ulekan. The ingredients in the mortar slowly change shape and pulverize. Several people helped Irianto in grinding the chili sauce. He also shares space in the big mortar.

"Fish can be anything, the important thing is the chili sauce," said Irianto.

Besides being annoying, he also likes to cook. He said, cooking is his attempt to relieve stress. The heart can be happy when the results of the food are made, eaten by others and appreciated.

"You can be happy if you can make other people happy," he said.

It didn't take long for him to knead this chili sauce, it was served immediately. We had time to try the sauce. Delicious, fresh because of the lime aroma and of course spicy.

The chili sauce that he grinds is immediately placed into the small bowl provided by the shop owner. He put the chili sauce into the small bowl earlier. After that, the chili sauce is distributed to existing visitors.

Afterwards, the governor took off his apron and brought several small bowls to the VIP room to meet his guests.

Governor of North Kalimantan Irianto Lambrie speaks at Warung Teras, Tarakan (Bagus Santosa / VOI)