Quick Action On Tangerang Prison Fire Case, Files Transferred To Prosecutors Next Week

JAKARTA - The deadly fire case of the Tangerang Class I prison has entered the P21 stage one or the filing stage. The plan, the investigation file will be immediately delegated next week.

"We will send the file in the near future. Next week," said the Director of General Criminal Investigation at the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Pol. Tubagus Ade Hidayat, to reporters, Thursday, October 7.

Later, the investigation file will be transferred or stage one to the Prosecutor's Office. Then, the research prosecutor will check the completeness of the file.

If later declared complete, then, the investigator will carry out phase two. This means that the suspects and evidence will be transferred to the Prosecutor's Office.

"Yes, transferred to the Attorney General's Office," said Tubagus. In the case of the deadly Tangerang Class I prison fire, at least six suspects were identified. They are inmates to prison officials.

The suspects are inmates with the initials JMN. Then, a prison employee with the initials PPB and RS who served in the General Section. In this case they are accused of under Article 188 of the Criminal Code.

Then, three other suspects are prison employees. They had the initials RU, S, and Y. The determination of the suspect was based on the results of a case study with dozens of witnesses and evidence. In that case, they were proven to have violated Article 359 of the Criminal Code regarding negligence causing death.