Metro TV Editor Case Disclosure Hopes From A Knife

JAKARTA - Various evidence and clues continue to be gathered to reveal the murder case of Metro TV editor, Yodi Prabowo. A knife was one of the clues that were investigated further because it was suspected that there were traces of the perpetrator.

However, based on the results of the Forensic Laboratory (Labfor) examination, there were no signs of the perpetrator. This is because all the fingerprints left are traces of Yodi.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus, said that the knife that was examined was initially found to be under Yodi's body or crushed. So, there is a possibility that the perpetrator's traces or fingerprints will still be left on the knife.

"Meanwhile, fingerprints have been found, are fingerprints of the victim and also the victim's own DNA," said Yusri, Tuesday, July 21.

Currently, the team of investigators from Labfor continues to look for possible traces of the perpetrator on the knife. Indeed, there are obstacles experienced, the knife that has been at the scene for three days has the potential to erase fingerprints.

However, in certain ways it is hoped that clues will be found that point to the motive or at least a bright spot in this case. So, it can be revealed what really happened.

"Still investigating, the laboratory team is still conducting deepening. Hopefully we will convey it as soon as possible," said Yusri.

In addition, based on the results of the investigation, it was found that no scars were found due to blunt force impacts. Previously, bruises were found around the neck. Thus, there is an allegation that Yodi was mistreated before being killed.

"The result of forensic medicine was that there were no beatings and no blunt objects that hit the victim. The victim was purely a stab in the chest and neck. This resulted in the victim's death," Yusri concluded.

Yodi was found dead on Friday, July 10 on the side of the JORR Toll Road, Ulujami, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta. Yodi died allegedly because he was murdered and was found dead after three days of missing.

In addition, the results of the investigation of the alleged murder victim because Yodi found two stab wounds on his body. First on the neck and chest.

Until now, the police are still trying to solve this case. Dozens of witnesses have been examined. They come from family to colleagues.

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