Have A Distinctive Fragrance, Some Of These Plants Are Often Used As Perfume Base Ingredients

JAKARTA - People usually use perfume to support their daily appearance. Maybe if you often wonder where the smell of perfume comes from, the answer is simple, mostly from plants.

The use of plants as ingredients as fragrances has been done since ancient times and is often used for fragrances in religious events.

What are the plants that are often used as a natural base for perfume? Launching Highend, Thursday, October 7, here is the list.


Clove is a type of plant originating from Maluku. Clove plant height can reach 30 meters. Not only used as a basic ingredient for making kretek cigarettes, the oil from clove flowers known as clove oil can also be used as a perfume base. Containing eugenol acetate, eugenol, and caryophyllene, this clove oil-based perfume is expected to have a long-lasting fragrance.


Jasmine or jasmine flowers are also often used as a base for perfume. Several types of jasmine flowers that are often taken for their essential oils include jasminum nitidum, jasminum sambac, jasmine grandiflorum and jasmine officinal. The fragrance produced from this jasmine is usually fresh and refreshing.


Sandalwood or better known as sandalwood is a large tree that can grow to a height of 12-15 meters. This tree is often found in tropical climates such as in East Nusa Tenggara and South Sulawesi.

The base material for perfume from this tree is the heart. The wooden heart is yellow and fragrant. This part is then distilled and the essential oil is taken.


Besides being beautiful, this flower also has a fragrant aroma. This flower is often the main ingredient in making perfume, which is derived from the essential oil of rose petal extract. From 1 kg of rose petals can produce 1 gram of oil.