Promoter Is Asked To Form An Association To Support The Development Of Music Events In Indonesia

JAKARTA - The world of entertainment, especially music performances in Indonesia, has been one of the sectors hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. For this reason, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) encourages local music promoters to form the Indonesian Music Promoter Association (APMI) as a forum for communication and exchange of ideas in resolving various issues that arise.

This was conveyed by the Deputy for Tourism Products and Event Organizer for the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Rizki Handayani in the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) event with music promoters. He said, the existence of the association can help provide input to the government regarding the development of music events in Indonesia.

"There needs to be a forum or event association to assist the government in curating the best events in the country. And this is in line with the duties and functions of the Kemenparekraf Event field, including supporting regional events, raising national events, and bringing international events into the country. Because, Indonesia's DNA is creative, "said Rizki Handayani in the FGD which took place in Yogyakarta, some time ago. Launching the official Kemenparekraf page, Wednesday, July 22.

Rizki hopes that, in the future, the cooperation between the government and industry regarding the development of music events can be more intensive which in turn can increase the visit and movement of foreign and domestic tourists.

"Senior promoters can become advisors or builders of the Indonesian Music Promoter Association (APMI). So senior promoters are directly involved in APMI," Rizki continued.

Currently, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy is compiling a guidebook on health protocols in the field of musical performances, as a technical guide referring to the Decree of the Minister of Health (KMK) Number HK.01.07 / Menkes / 382/2020. This association can strengthen the formation of the guidebook by providing input, especially on important points in organizing musical performances.

The FGD was attended by music promoters including Anas Syahrul Alimi (Rajawali Indonesia), Tommy Pratama (Original Production), Dino Hamid (Berlian Entertainment), Donny Junardy (Ravel Entertainment / Hammersonic), Darshan Pridhnani (HYPE Music Asia), Aminah (Mecimapro) ), and Emil Mahyudin (Nadapromotama).

The formation of the Indonesian Music Promoters Association (APMI) was appreciated by the promoters who attended. Dino Hamid was then appointed as chairman of the APMI formation committee.

Dino said, one of APMI's big tasks is to create an event program both before vaccines are found and after vaccines are found. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a big impact and changed people's preferences in activities. Namely, prioritizing hygiene, health, safety and environmental sustainability factors.

"The formation of APMI is currently in the consultation stage with a team of lawyers and has formed a small team for formation," said Dino Hamid.

Support to form APMI was also conveyed by Anas Syahrul Alimi from Rajawali Production. The presence of APMI will have a positive impact and encourage the music performance ecosystem in Indonesia to be more advanced.

"Therefore there must be an association that does not only talk about business, but puts forward the spirit of event development. Create a series of Indonesian music festivals, pack it well and promote it in market countries, "said Anas.

Anas then suggested the holding of music tourism. The goal is that there is a package that pampers tourists where tourists can watch music performances as well as travel.

He also suggested that the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy develop a hybrid event model for a combination of online and offline, which in its preparation involves the Ministry of Health, the police, and other related agencies.

Meanwhile, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Wishnutama Kusubandio welcomed the formation of the Association of Indonesian Music Promoters (APMI) and will learn further input from the promoters.

According to him, organizing events, especially musical performances, provides a great opportunity to bring in tourists so as to encourage the revival of the national economy.

"The event is not only an entertainment treat but as an attraction that can attract tourist visits as well as promote Indonesia as a quality tourism destination in line with the vision of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy," said Wishnutama.