Dozens Of Middle School Students In Kudus Take Antigen Tests To Anticipate COVID-19

KUDUS - The Health Office of Kudus Regency, Central Java, conducted a COVID-19 antigen swab test on dozens of students in two junior high schools in Jekulo District to anticipate the transmission of the new corona virus disease during face-to-face learning.

Jekulo sub-district head Wisnu Brata Jayawardhana said that the junior high school students in Jekulo sub-district who underwent antigen testing were scattered in two junior high schools, namely SMP Negeri 2 Jekulo and SMP Negeri 1 Jekulo.

The number of targets is 30 people so that in each school there are 15 targets, 10 of whom are students and five teachers.

The results, he added, were all negative so that the supervision of the implementation of health protocols during face-to-face learning in junior high schools in Jekulo District was carried out well and effectively.

With the results of the randomized antigen test with no case finding, the tightening of the application of health protocols starting from wearing masks, diligently washing hands, maintaining distance, and avoiding crowds when they are at home is going quite well.

"Parents need to participate in monitoring the implementation of their child's health program at home, so that when they are at school they don't pass it on to others," he said.

The next antigen test, he said, would be continued for high school students and teachers to ensure whether or not there were those who were exposed to COVID-19, following the City of Kudus currently running PPKM level 3.

The principal of SMP 1 Jekulo Damiri admitted that all students and teachers who enter school are required to implement strict health protocols, starting from checking body temperature, wearing masks, washing hands with soap, and maintaining distance.

The schedule of students participating in face-to-face learning, he said, was arranged so as not to cause a crowd and the percentage of students in the class was only 50 percent of the number of students in the class, while the hours of entry and exit were also distinguished based on the schedule that had been made so that the potential for crowds could be minimized.

In fact, the school has also prepared a COVID-19 Task Force of six people who are tasked with monitoring students and teachers in implementing the program.

Nawang Pedro, one of the students of SMP 1 Jekulo, admitted that this was the first time he took an antigen test, but to check whether he had been exposed to COVID-19 or not, testing was necessary.

"Alhamdulillah, the results were negative, including other students, so face-to-face learning was still held," he said.