Ganjar Pranowo: People With Disabilities Need Equality, Not Pity

SEMARANG - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo said people with disabilities need equality from various parties, not pity because of the physical condition of the person concerned.

"When I often communicate with friends with disabilities, one thing I am proud of is that they don't need pity, they just need equal, they just need equal access, that's the government's job for that," said Ganjar when delivering an online address at the "Conference National: An Inclusive Employment and Entrepreneurship Initiative" in Semarang quoted by Antara, Wednesday, October 6.

Ganjar Pranowo admitted that he continues to collect input from people with disabilities so that they can work in various fields according to the type of disability.

Ganjar gave an example, blind people with disabilities have good potential, namely in the context of communication and memory.

"They are actually officers in the 'call center' okay, they can work there, no less than the others, become content writers, radio broadcasters, telemarketers, administrative officers, financial analysts, accountants they can do, and no less with others," he said.

Another example, Ganjar continued, is that physically disabled people have sensory and skill advantages so that they can be placed in jobs that only require training.

Ganjar admitted that he felt ashamed and guilty because he realized that there were still many offices in the Central Java Provincial Government that were not too friendly for people with disabilities.

"This requires technology and knowledge that they work wherever they are okay. In accordance with their respective conditions. Equality, accessibility must be provided," said Ganjar.

From this conference, Ganjar hopes that his party can receive recommendations, both in terms of regulations, administration to budget politics.

"In terms of budget politics like ours, as governors, what local government can we help these friends with," he said.