Save Your Beloved Cat From The Roof Of The House, The Owner Actually Falls To Death

JAKARTA - Nugraheni Dewi (50), a resident of Kemayoran RT 03/08 fell from the roof of her neighbor's house while trying to save her beloved cat. As a result of the accident, the victim suffered severe head injuries and died.

Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit (Kanit) of the Kemayoran Police, Iptu I Putu Novi Chandra Kurniawan said the victim fell after stepping on asbestos. The victim fell free until his head hit the floor.

"The victim died on the spot, his head hit and his nose bled," said AKP I Putu at the scene, Wednesday, October 6.

The location where Nugraheni Dewi fell who was trying to save her beloved cat/ Photo: Rizky Sulistio/ VOI

The victim before falling, continued Kanit, had asked the owner of the house, Mr. RT, for permission to take his cat which was in the attic. After being given permission, the victim went up to the attic of the house.

"The victim climbed up alone, when the asbestos was stepped on, it immediately broke and the victim fell down," he said.

I Putu said that the victim was known to live alone in a boarding house not far from where the victim died. It is also known that the victim does not have a job or is unemployed.

"The victim was taken to the RSCM and there are no signs of violence on the victim's body. This is purely a single accident victim," he said.