Tanri Abeng Bluntly Says That There Have Been Problems In The Appointment Of SOE Directors And Commissioners, Suggests DPR To Be Involved

JAKARTA - The former Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Tanri Abeng proposed in the BUMN draft law that there be a change in the mechanism for appointing directors and commissioners of state-owned companies. The proposal in question is to involve the People's Representative Council (DPR) in the selection of important people in BUMN companies.

Tanri reasoned that the involvement of the DPR in the candidate selection process at the general meeting of shareholders (GMS) would produce independent and professional human resources (HR). Moreover, the SOE's leadership structure is very important.

"Because the state-owned enterprises' organs are important. The state-owned enterprises' organs are the key to progress and success or failure as business actors," he said in a webinar, Wednesday, October 6.

According to Tanri, so far there have been problems in the appointment of directors and commissioners in state-owned companies. Where the appointment of the head of a BUMN company is the prerogative of the Minister of BUMN as a shareholder.

Furthermore, said Tanri, even though the Minister of SOEs is a political position. Thus, the appointment of the management of state-owned companies cannot be separated from the potential for government political intervention.

Because of that, according to Tanri, it is not uncommon for companies to disassemble and install. This has an impact on management uncertainty.

With the involvement of the DPR, said Tanri, legislators can form an evaluation team to select and select members of the board of directors and commissioners before being sent to the Minister of SOEs. So the people selected really understand about corporations, including SOEs.

Through this selection mechanism, Tanri believes that a truly credible, independent and professional selection process for directors and commissioners will be created.

"In my opinion it is more effective. So the DPR does not appoint, but the team conducts selection and election. They provide recommendations for candidates who meet the criteria," he said.