BKSDA Yogyakarta Released Jambul Eagle In Gunungkelir

KULON PROGO- Yogyakarta Natural Resources Conservation Center in collaboration with the Wildlife Rescue Center released the crested hawk eagle and brontok eagle in Punthok Gondang, Gunungkelir Hamlet, Kulon Progo Regency, DIY.

"The two eagles are considered suitable for release. Both birds have seen their wild nature again. Assessments will also be carried out by officers every day. Reports from officers will later indicate that the birds are ready to fly in the wild," said the Head of the Center for Conservation of Resources. Alam (BKSDA) Yogyakarta Wahyudi quoted by Antara, Wednesday, October 6.

He said the two animals released by the Yogyakarta BKSDA, respectively, namely the brontok eagle, came from Flora and Fauna Bunder Stations in Gunung Kidul Regency. Meanwhile, the crested eagle came from the Wildlife Rescue Center in Kulon Progo.

The two animals are considered worthy to be released into the wild because they have met a number of indicators from the Yogyakarta BKSDA for animals to be released into the forest ecosystem in the Bukit Menoreh area.

"The two animals have also shown the behavior of taking prey which is usually done by birds in the wild. Moreover, birds that are categorized as raptors. The selection of the location for the release of the two birds that fall into the raptor category has also been through habitat survey efforts by our officers," he said.

Meanwhile, Kulon Progo Regent Sutedjo said the release of birds in the Gunungkelir Hamlet area was an effort that was also supported by the Kulon Progo Regency Government. Gunungkelir has been a place to release birds before.

The Kulon Progo community is also expected to support animal conservation efforts so that they are able to breed and not become extinct.

"So that the release of bird animals in the area that has gone through a number of surveys and studies, namely in the Jatimulyo Village area, can support efforts to conserve birds and others so they don't become extinct," said Sutedjo.