Often Abused Stepchildren Age 8 Years, ASN Pandeglang Regency Government Police Police Victim's Biological Father

PANDEGLANG – Police officers received a report about an alleged abuse carried out by a state civil apparatus (ASN) within the Pandeglang Regency Government.

The perpetrator with the initials AG was reported for molesting FT (8). AG is the stepfather of FT. Meanwhile, Adi Rahayu, the biological father of FT, the first husband of the woman AG is now married to, did not accept it after knowing that FT was often abused by AG.

In fact, he said, the victim often suffered injuries because he had been beaten to a pulp by AG. On that basis Adi reported AG to the Pandeglang Police.

"Now which parent can bear to see their child being beaten by a loved one. Honestly, I am sad to hear that from my son," Adi said when contacted by the media, Tuesday, October 5.

Adi said, the act of abuse was revealed based on the confession of his son who admitted that he often received unpleasant treatment from the perpetrator, namely AG.

"So on Thursday (September 30) the child suddenly came home. Tell me if he was beaten by his stepfather on the head and body," he said.

"And it turns out that my son is often tortured and grabbed like an animal. My son was beaten using a broom and tools at home," he added.

The condition of the child himself, said Adi, is now experiencing severe trauma due to the actions of his stepfather who often abuses him.

He also admitted that he had reported AG's behavior to the police, complete with evidence from the victim's post-mortem.

"I don't accept my child being treated like this, therefore I report the perpetrator's actions so that they know the deterrent effect and do not do the same thing in the future," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Public Relations of the Banteng Police confirmed the report.

"It is true that there was a report about an allegation against a child that was received by the Pandeglang Police. An investigation has been carried out by the Pandeglang Police Satreskrim on the victim and 1 witness.” explained AKBP Shinto Silitonga when contacted by VOI, Tuesday, October 5, evening.

However, Shinto has not been able to detail the full identity of the reported party, and the chronology and background of the persecution.

"Development of the report is still ongoing to look for other evidence." Shinto concluded.