Vice President: Success In Handling COVID-19 Upstream Sector Is A Downstream Determinant

JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin said that the success of handling the pandemic in the upstream sector is a determinant in the downstream sector because it can reduce pressure in terms of COVID-19 transmission cases. said the Vice President in key speeches at the 30th Dikreg Police Staff and Leadership School (Sespimti) seminar and the 61st Dikreg Police Staff and Middle Leadership School (Sespimmen). determine success downstream," said the Vice President, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, October 6. The upstream sector, in the context of handling the pandemic, is related to the implementation of health protocols, the implementation of restrictions on community activities (PPKM), 3T (testing, tracing, treatment) and COVID-19 vaccination. While the downstream sector is related to the provision of health facilities (faskes), health workers (nakes), medical devices (alkes) and medicines. cases of transmission. And if that happens, the health facilities, health workers and the provision of medical equipment and medicines must really be prepared," he explained. The vice president said the government had implemented various policies in the upstream sector, starting from vaccination, implementing health protocols, 3M (using masks, washing hands with soap and running water, maintaining distance), 5M (3M plus staying away from crowds and reducing mobility) as well as testing, tracing, isolation and treatment. PPKM), Emergency PPKM to the last level-based PPKM. "While downstream is curative action such as the readiness of health facilities, hospitals and health workers, al. cases and medicines, as well as supporting facilities and infrastructure," continued Ma'ruf Amin.

Various concrete steps to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, said the Vice President, were also supported by policies to restore and revive the affected national economy. policies related to the management of the state budget (budget of revenues and expenditures), as well as refocusing and reallocating the budget in the context of efforts to restore health, social protection, maintain people's purchasing power and recover the national economy," said the vice president.