Polri Raises Status Of Issuance Of Jalan Djoko Tjandra Letter To Investigation
JAKARTA - Bareskrim Polri has raised the status of the issuance of Djoko Tjandra's fugitive pass which involved Brigadier General Prasetyo Utomo to the investigation level.
Head of Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono, said that this status was raised after examining six witnesses. The witnesses examined were staff of the Civil Servant Investigator Coordination and Supervision (Korwas PPNS) and the Medical and Health Center (Pusdokkes).
"The case was after we examined 6 witnesses, namely from the PPNS Korwas staff and from the Pusdokkes staff," said Argo at the Police Headquarters, Tuesday, July 21.
In addition to examining witnesses, this status is raised based on a police report (LP) prepared by the Professional and Security Investigator (Propam) as one of the conditions for the investigation process. In fact, the prison has been handed over to investigators from the Police Criminal Investigation Unit to be followed up.
"Of course, later if there is additional information, the investigators from the Criminal Investigation Unit will add to it," said Argo.
Even though this case has gone up to investigation, investigators have not yet named a suspect. It's just that, he said, the suspect in this case will be charged with multiple articles.
"The case is being investigated with allegations of Article 263 KUHP, 426 KUHP and / or 221 KUHP," said Argo.
Meanwhile, Article 221 of the Criminal Code states that those who hide the person who committed the crime and obstruct the investigation. Meanwhile, Article 263 of the Criminal Code regulates letter forgery
Then, Article 426 itself regulates the matter if that person runs away, is released or frees himself because of the negligence of the civil servant
For your information, Brigadier General Prasetyo Utomo was officially removed from his position as Head of the Coordination and Supervision Bureau of the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency. The dismissal was the aftermath of the issuance of the travel documents used by Djoko Tjandra.
The letter issued by Prasetyo is registered as Number: SJ / 82 / VI / 2020 / Rokorwas, dated June 18, 2020, and is said to be an initiative of the high-ranking officer. On the travel letter, it was written that Djoko Tjandra left for Pontianak, West Kalimantan from Jakarta on June 19 and returned on June 22, 2020.