MPR Leader: Prioritize Campaign Promises, Not Build A New Capital

JAKARTA - The government seems eager to move the State Capital (IKN) to East Kalimantan. In fact, it has sent a Presidential Letter (surpres) related to the IKN Bill to the DPR on Wednesday, September 29, last.

However, the government's intensified development of the nation's capital city has received sharp attention from the leadership of the House of Representatives. Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Hidayat Nur Wahid, assessed that moving the capital city was not an urgent matter for the Indonesian government to do.

According to him, the government's priority at this time should be to fulfill what has been promised to the people during the campaign. Moreover, in the 2019 presidential election campaign, the transfer of the national capital was never mentioned.
"The priority should be to fulfill campaign promises for the welfare of the people, not to build IKN," said Hidayat, Wednesday, October 6.

In addition, Hidayat continued, the IKN discussion is also not a top priority at this time. Because, first, the people are facing economic problems due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Second, the country has also been negatively affected by the pandemic. One of them is a record of debt that has been mounting in recent years.

"So building a new capital is clearly not a priority for the people," said the PKS politician.