Ofcom Calls For VSP Platforms To Make Clearer Rules About Malicious Video Content, Here's Why

JAKARTA – Online video sharing platforms (VSP/video sharing platforms), such as TikTok, Snapchat and OnlyFans, need to provide clear rules on content that allow users to flag dangerous videos, and limit access to pornographic material. This is said by the media regulator in the UK, Ofcom.

Under a law that took effect in the UK last year, VSPs must take appropriate steps to protect all their users from illegal material, with a particular focus on those under 18.

Ofcom, which is responsible for enforcing the rules, published guidance for VSPs on Wednesday, October 6, and said it wants to see real improvements over time in its safety processes and complaints procedures.

Chief Executive Melanie Dawes said online videos play a huge role in people's lives, especially for children. However, many users see hateful, violent or inappropriate material while using it.

"The platforms on which these videos are shared now have a legal obligation to take steps to protect their users," he said. "So we wanted to increase our oversight of these tech companies, while also being prepared for the task of tackling even more online dangers in the future."

Ofcom says its research shows that a third of users say they have witnessed or experienced hateful content. Even a quarter claimed they had been exposed to violent or disturbing content; while one in five people have seen content that encourages racism.

The regulator's duties include platforms set up in the UK, initially numbering 18. Platforms set up in other countries, such as YouTube and Facebook, are temporarily excluded.

If it is found that the VSP failed to take appropriate action to protect users, it will be able to investigate and take action, including fines in the most serious cases or suspending or limiting services.