Medan City PPKM Down To Level 2, Bobby Nasution Waits For The Minister Of Home Affairs And Gubsu Edy's Instructions

MEDAN - The implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in Medan City, North Sumatra, has dropped from level 3 to level 2.

Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution expressed his gratitude for the hard work of all parties until finally the Medan City PPKM dropped to level 2.

"The PPKM level 2 is still waiting for the Minister of Home Affairs' instructions, the governor's instructions, what will be relaxed and what will be tightened," said Bobby Nasution, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, October 5.

Bobby Nasution hopes that the current level 2 can be maintained or even lowered to level 1. In the near future, Bobby will hold a meeting regarding the reduction of the PPKM level.

"Preparing for level 2, we will discuss what we can loosen again and which parts we need to tighten, this process that we must not forget," said Bobby Nasution.

Regarding pick-up vaccination, Bobby wants to make it easier for the community. There are five points that are used as pick-up vaccination sites in Medan Johor District.