Attorney General Reminds Restorative Justice Is Prone To Abuse

JAKARTA - Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin reminded his staff to really implement restorative justice according to its aims and objectives, because the institution's policies are prone to misuse.

"One of the institutional policies that are prone to abuse is the implementation of the termination of prosecution based on restorative justice based on Prosecutor's Regulation Number 15 of 2020. Please maintain and apply this restorative justice seriously in accordance with its aims and objectives," said Burhanuddin, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, October 5 .

Burhanuddin explained that the termination of prosecution based on restorative justice was a legal breakthrough by the Attorney General's Office which was recognized and appreciated by the public.

According to him, the application of restorative justice is proof of the sensitivity of the prosecutors who continue to strive to bring justice to the community, especially justice seekers from small communities.

"Therefore, do not harm and betray the policy. Do not try to take financial advantage of the restorative justice policy," he stressed.

Burhanuddin also ensured that strict action would be taken if any Public Prosecutor's Office employee misused this restorative justice policy for personal gain or gain.

"I also ask that apart from the General Crimes Sector which carries out technical monitoring and supervision of the implementation of restorative justice, the Supervision Sector also takes an active role in monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the termination of prosecution based on this restorative justice," said Burhanuddin.

The Professor of Criminal Law reminded President Joko Widodo's direction to his staff at the opening of the 2020 Indonesian Attorney's Working Meeting. Where the President has said that the prosecutor's office is the face of Indonesian law enforcement in the eyes of the community and internationally.

Every behavior and actions of each prosecutor's personnel in law enforcement, said Burhanuddin, became a benchmark for the face of the state in realizing the rule of law in the eyes of the world.

"The trust that the President has given to Adhyaksa, we must maintain and answer with integrity. Therefore, strengthening the supervision and enforcement of internal discipline within the prosecutor's office is non-negotiable," said the Attorney General.