Medan District Court Convicts 3 Men From Aceh Who Owned 1.8 Kg Of Shabu 13 Years In Prison

MEDAN - The Medan District Court (PN) sentenced 3 men from Aceh to 13 years in prison. The three were found guilty in the case of possession of 1.8 kg of methamphetamine.

The three defendants are Eko Selamat Riadi (23), Faisal Suri (20) and Reza Syahputra (20). The verdict was read by a panel of judges chaired by Aimafni Arli at Cakra III of the Medan District Court.

The three were also sentenced to pay a fine of Rp. 1 billion, subsidiary to 4 months in prison.

"Declare that the defendants are guilty of conspiracy to commit a criminal act of Narcotics, without rights or against the law offering for sale, selling, buying, receiving, being an intermediary in buying and selling, exchanging, or delivering Narcotics Category I, not plants weighing more than 5 grams as referred to in paragraph (1). regulated in Article 114 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 132 paragraph (1) of Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics in the first indictment of the public prosecutor," said Judge Aimafni Arli, Tuesday, October 5.

This verdict is lower than the demands of the Public Prosecutor, Septian Napitupulu, who previously asked that the defendants be sentenced to 16 years in prison. On this decision, both the Public Prosecutor and the three defendants expressed their thoughts.

Based on the indictment, the three defendants were arrested by officers from the Narcotics Satres of the Medan Polrestabes on Monday, January 11, 2021, from a room in a hotel in the Jalan Sei Belutu area No. 17 B, Medan Baru district, Medan City.

The arrests of the defendants began with information obtained by police officers who stated that there was narcotics trafficking carried out by the defendants.

Then the officers conducted a search and went to the hotel room occupied by the perpetrators at that time.

"Furthermore, officers conducted a search and found 22 plastic bags of shabu from inside brown shoes," said Public Prosecutor Septian in the indictment.

Officers then interrogated the defendants. The three admitted that the methamphetamine was obtained from an unknown person named Arul.

The defendants were directed to take the methamphetamine narcotics near the trash can beside the Ringroad City Walks, and the purpose of the narcotics was to be brought to Jakarta.

"Where if you come to Jakarta to return to receive orders from someone named Arul," explained the Public Prosecutor.

The three defendants were then taken to the Medan Police Headquarters. It was stated that the 22 packs of methamphetamine confiscated from the three defendants contained 1,856 grams of crystal methamphetamine.