The Service Of The TNI That Is Felt And Loved By The People

BANJARMASIN - October 5 is a special day for the Indonesian National Army (TNI) which commemorates its birthday. October 5, 1945 with the historical background of the emergence of the People's Security Army (TKR) from the embryo of an organization called the People's Security Agency (BKR).

76 years have passed, the TNI has been present to guard the country with various dynamics of the history of the Indonesian nation, starting to defend independence from the threat of the Dutch until the current reform era.

Along with the conduciveness of domestic security and the lack of external threats that could disrupt the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), the role of the TNI today is also prioritized in military operations other than war.

One of them is territorial development to realize the unity of the TNI and the people in the context of realizing national security and public welfare.

The Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) throughout the archipelago are here to help the government in the area without borders, serving the people for a more prosperous society.

Synergize with all stakeholders including the National Police in maintaining regional security both on land, sea and air as in three dimensions, namely the Indonesian Army, Air Force, and Navy.

Professor of Social and Political Affairs at Lambung Mangkurat University, Budi Suryadi, said Indonesia's history has proven that the presence of the TNI is very important and always needed in the life of the nation and state.

"The TNI plays a very important role in encouraging and creating the unity and integrity of the Indonesian state and people," he said as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, October 5.

In addition, the TNI plays an important role in social change in Indonesian society and is able to adapt and with the community to encourage and create changes towards national and regional development.

This unity of the TNI and the community is the hallmark of the TNI as proof that the TNI comes from the people and for the people.

"Because only with service, the TNI is loved by the people," he said.

The people of the TNI's birth mother

As with its main task, the TNI plays a role as a state instrument in the defense sector. However, in everyday life, the fact is that members of the TNI are not limited to just carrying out their duties and responsibilities.

The TNI is always present for the people, defending the interests of the people for the sake of upholding social justice for all Indonesian people.

The commander of Korem 102/Panju Panjung Colonel Inf. Yudianto Putrajaya emphasized that the people are the birth mother of the TNI.

"Never deny that togetherness is for Indonesia to progress," he said.

In his leadership command, Putra, as he is usually called, the 1993 Akmil alumni, has always emphasized that TNI members only work for the people through programs launched by the government.

Like the TNI Manunggal Building Villages (TMMD), which this year is entering its 112th edition, the TNI and the people build infrastructure to support the progress of the economic, cultural and social sectors of the local community.

"The TNI belongs to the people, meet your people, live with them, start with what they have. Keep on encouraging TNI service," he said.

Putra also stressed that his members should not be arrogant and unfriendly to the people. Because that would only damage the good image of the TNI, which actually continues to give everything for the nation and state for the benefit of the people.

According to him, the synergy between the TNI and the National Police, which has been very good so far, should be maintained. The people will feel safe and comfortable if the police and army are harmoniously united to protect the community.

The wheels of development that support the pace of the economic sector, especially in the midst of a pandemic storm, need a strong state security and defense stability.

"The unity of the TNI-people and the synergy of the TNI-Polri are the foundations of the nation's revival towards a strong Indonesia, Indonesia growing," he said.

Innovation and totality

As a TNI soldier, you are required to be able to innovate without harming your main task. Instead, it supports the participation of the TNI in the community.

Putra said that regional units such as the Kodim with the Koramil ranks, reinforced by the village builder Bintara (Babinsa) were the spearhead of the TNI serving the people.

According to him, it takes innovation in work and totality to serve sincerely and selflessly through the spirit of TNI-people unity.

Like the jargon he inflamed, namely

Korem 102/Panju Panjung "Berkah" which stands for Dignified, beautiful, religious, strong, trustworthy and harmonious", Putra wants the dignity of the TNI in its ranks to be able to do the best for the people in Central Kalimantan.

"It's a shame if we can't do anything for the community. Make sure TNI soldiers are present when the people need them," he said.

As during the COVID-19 pandemic, the TNI is the enforcer of health protocol discipline with the Police and local government officials.

According to him, the war against COVID-19 can only be won if everyone works together through the implementation of prokes and healthy living.

Then the vaccination campaign continues to be intensified. The TNI is assisting local governments in accelerating vaccinations to all communities across the archipelago to create community immunity to protect themselves from COVID-19 transmission.

In line with the theme of the TNI's 76th Anniversary, namely "United, fight, we will win", Putra emphasized that if the people are united to fight together, the war against the pandemic can definitely be won.

"Never get tired of doing good. Just wear your mask, then goodness has been done because it saves yourself and others from contagion of COVID-19," he stressed.