Three Corruption Convicts In DLHP Ambon Fuel Fund Management Charged With State Loss Of IDR 3.6 Billion

JAKARTA - The Corruption Crimes Panel of Judges at the Ambon District Court Office held the inaugural trial of the alleged corruption case at the Ambon City Environmental and Solid Waste Service (DLHP) which caused state financial losses of Rp3.6 billion. The first in Ambon, Tuesday, with the agenda of hearing the reading of the indictment of the Attorney General's Office of Ambon, Eka Palapia and Chrisman Sahetapy for the three defendants. resulting in a state financial loss of IDR 3.6 billion. The Public Prosecutor stated that the three defendants participated in jointly managing the fuel oil funds at the DLHP for the 2019 fiscal year, not in accordance with the Mayor's decision number 397 of 2018. The Ambon Mayor's decision letter was dated 25 September 2018 regarding the determination of expenditure standard analysis so that "This is contrary to Article 39 paragraph (2) of PP number 58 of 2005 concerning regional financial management. Between, Tuesday, October 5th.

The defendant's actions were carried out by compiling and proposing a fuel budget for official/operational vehicles that were not in accordance with the standard expenditure analysis. Then the defendant Lucia ordered to make a list of payments for fuel for official or operational vehicles and evidence of liability that was not true or did not match the actual situation. The defendant also ordered the use of the budget for fuel for official vehicles for the 2019 fiscal year for purposes other than those stipulated in the DPA. The defendants' actions were threatened with violating Article 2 paragraph (1) and Article 18 of Law No. eradication of corruption, in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code. Upon reading the prosecutor's indictment, Jonathan Kainama as legal adviser to the defendant Lucia Izaak stated that he would make an exception, while the PH team of defendants Marthin and Mauritsz did not express an exception.