Father Persecuted His Stepson Until He Died, His Body Was Dumped Into Cakung River

JAKARTA - A 2-year-old boy was found dead in Cakung River, Pulogadung, East Jakarta, Tuesday, July 7. After several weeks of investigation, she was a victim of abuse and was dumped by her stepfather, CH.

"Information that points to the perpetrator can be obtained. Finally the perpetrator can be arrested in which the perpetrator is the stepfather of the victim himself," said East Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Arie Ardian in his statement, Tuesday, July 21.

He explained that this persecution was carried out because the perpetrator was upset with his wife, who is the biological mother of the victim. This resentment was triggered by the poor economic conditions of the family and the climax was when the wife often did not return home.

The perpetrator's frustration was passed on to his son. CH even beat his son 2 times in a period of 1 month.

"His frustration is because his wife often does not come home based on the statement from the suspect and there are also economic problems so the suspect takes his frustration out on his son," said Arie.

Deliberately thrown away

From the investigation, the perpetrator admitted to mistreating him by hitting the victim using an aluminum bat. The beatings took place in the chest, back, legs and face. This is also what allegedly caused the victim to die.

The victim who was lifeless was deliberately discarded by CH to get rid of traces of his crime.

"After the victim died, the victim was taken by motor vehicle to Cakung River and the victim was thrown there," concluded Arie.

For this act, the suspect must be behind bars. This is because investigators charged him with Article 80 paragraph 3 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 25 of 2014 concerning Child Protection.