Raup Tens Of Millions, Police Arrested Pre-employment Participant Data Counterfeiting Group In Medan

MEDAN - The Belawan Police Criminal Investigation Unit team arrested 6 men in the Medan Marelan and Tembung areas, Medan City. This gang was arrested for falsifying the data of participants receiving pre-employment assistance from the government.

Belawan Police Chief AKBP Faisal Rahmat Husein Simatupang said the six perpetrators who were arrested were residents of Medan, Deli Serdang, Simalungun. Meanwhile, the brain of the culprit is a resident of Rokan Hulu, Riau.

The six perpetrators were RVP (23), NS (23), IR (25), AH, AR (22) and MSH (29).

"The amount of data that has been falsified is 19,424, around 1,000 have been uploaded. The data they get from social media, including the Telegram application," said AKBP Faisal Rahmat, Tuesday, October 5.

In carrying out their actions, the perpetrators used other people's Identity Cards (KTP). After successfully registering online, aid funds from the central government go to the perpetrators' digital wallet (OVO) accounts, not to participants whose data is registered.

AKBP Faisal said that the perpetrators had been falsifying the data for pre-employment recipients for one year. They also managed to reap a profit of Rp 80 million.

This plot was revealed when they sold data on pre-employment aid recipients online. This was reported and investigated by the Economic Unit II Team of the Belawan Police Criminal Investigation Unit

"The victims and the ID cards used were from all over Indonesia. Not just Medan or North Sumatra. Most of them used the addresses of Bali, Kalimantan and Papua," said AKBP Faisal.

The perpetrators were charged with Article 35 or 263 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions with a sentence of 6 years in prison.