Sumatra-Malaysia Electricity Interconnection Targeted For Completion By 2030

JAKARTA - Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif said Indonesia would supply electricity to Malaysia. He explained that this electricity export will occur when the network transmission interconnection system is completed. From Sumatra to Malaysia the network transmission system is targeted for completion in 2030.

As is known, the government is aiming for interconnection within islands and between islands in Indonesia in the next few years. Meanwhile, the export of electricity was carried out as an effort to overcome the oversupply of electricity because the previous electricity plan did not go according to predictions.

"The interconnection of Sumatra to Malaysia has been scheduled for a Commercial Operation Date (COD) in 2030," he said in the 2021-2030 PLN RUPTL Dissemination Webinar, Tuesday, October 5.

Not only Malaysia, said Arifin, interconnection from Sumatra to Singapore is also still being studied in order to export electrical energy sourced from clean energy to the country.

In addition, Arifin said the government is also encouraging and conducting studies for interconnection between major islands in Indonesia. It is hoped that in 2024 interconnection on the islands of Kalimantan and Sulawesi can be realized.

"In addition to increasing reliability, this interconnection also overcomes excess supply in a large system," he said.

Arifin said this interconnection is contained in the General Plan for the Provision of Electricity (RUPTL) of PT PLN (Persero) for 2021-2030. The RUPTL also contains plans for the reallocation of generators with low utility to areas that need them more.

Therefore, said Arifin, the synergy between PLN and all stakeholders plays a very important and important role in the development of electricity infrastructure throughout the archipelago.