COVID-19 Cases Slope, Crime Increases Around Jakarta

JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya stated that the number of criminal cases had increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, when compared to the same month, it actually decreased.

"If we compare it with last year. In the same month, last September, the examples of robbery and theft (experienced) decreased, but during the pandemic from the beginning until now there has been an increase," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus told reporters. , Tuesday, October 5th.

With the increase in street crime, said Yusri, his party has formed teams to map and maintain crime-prone locations. Thus, public safety can be created.

"The Regional Police Chief has ordered to form teams, including those directly under the control of the Crimean Police of the Metro Jaya Police to create teams to map out areas that are prone to crime, for example, stealing, stealing and stealing," said Yusri.

In addition, the team formed will carry out routine patrols in these vulnerable locations. Based on the data, there are two locations that are considered vulnerable points due to cases of burglary.

"There were several yesterday in Bekasi Regency, South Tangerang, the team moved again. Later on patrols, what is expected is how the police in this case will calm down," said Yusri.