4 Types Of Men You Should Keep In Life

JAKARTA - The failure of an old love story sometimes makes someone more skeptical about starting a new love life. All men are already generalized with ex-lover. However, not all of them are. There are still many men who will come into your life, much better than before and worth keeping.

While you're resetting your life, it's a good idea to know some types of guys that you can use as a benchmark to see if he's worth keeping. So, what kind of man should you keep? Read more below.


The honest type of guy is the one you need to keep. When he does his best to be honest and you can trust him, then you can be sure that your relationship will last a long time. If a guy is being honest, it means he really loves his partner and takes your relationship seriously.

Giving freedom

Having a relationship with a man who is too restrictive is not fun. On the other hand, if he's the free-spirited type, then this is the guy you should keep. He likes to give you the freedom to choose the menu of foods to eat to the decision to pursue the career of your choice.

Responsible and hard worker

If you intend to find a husband, you should look for a man who is responsible and hardworking. Men with this type will make household relationships more harmonious, because the roles are balanced between husband and wife.


Mature thinking is also one of the qualities of a man that you can use as a reference. With this mindset, he will be better able to make decisions and be able to determine priorities. Adult men are better able to keep themselves emotionally and financially stable, and you will feel that comfort with them too