The Convicted Bird Flu Case Freddy Lumban Is Free

JAKARTA - Convicted in the case of corruption in the procurement of reagents and consumables in handling the 2007 bird flu virus, Freddy Lumban Tobing, was released after serving his sentence.

Acting Spokesperson for the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Ali Fikri said Freddy Lumban was released from the KPK detention center on Monday, July 20.

"Because the convict has finished serving a 1 year and 4 month detention period, Monday, 20/7/2020 the convict has been released from the KPK detention center," Ali told the media crew, Jakarta, Tuesday, July 21.

This release, said Ali, was based on the Supreme Court's decision of Cassation No. 2546 K / Pid.Sus / 2020 dated 17 July 2020 on behalf of the convict, Freddy Lumban Tobing.

The verdict stated that the convict was found guilty of committing a criminal act of corruption in the case of procuring reagents and consumables handling the bird flu virus in 2007 and the panel of judges was sentenced to 1 year and 4 months imprisonment reduced during the detention period and a fine of Rp.50,000,000.00 subsidiary 2 months. confinement.

"In addition, the convict has also carried out the obligation to pay a fine of Rp 50,000,000.00 and a replacement money of Rp1,186 billion which was paid to the state through a KPK holding account," he said.

It is known that the sentence of 1 year and 4 months by the panel of judges was lower than what the KPK prosecutors wanted. Where the KPK prosecutor at that time charged Freddy with imprisonment for two years.

In his verdict, the judge said that Freddy, as the President Director of PT Cahaya Prima Cemerlang, was proven to have enriched himself and the company by Rp.10.86 billion and enriched PT Kimia Farma Tranding by Rp. 12.33 billion.

The judge also said that Freddy had caused losses to state finances amounting to Rp 12.33 billion in this project.