These Are 7 Members Of The North Maluku Regional Police Who Were Dismissed With Disrespect

MALUKU - The Regional Police (Polda) of North Maluku (Malut) dismissed seven members of its ranks in a joint rally of North Maluku Regional Police personnel. This event was coupled with the awarding of awards to personnel for their dedication in supporting the COVID-19 vaccination program.

"In addition to rewards, the joint apples were also coupled with the provision of punishment to seven personnel by reading the North Maluku Regional Police Chief's Decision on Disrespectful Dismissal (PTDH) to North Maluku Regional Police Personnel," said Head of North Maluku Regional Police Inspector General Risyapudin Nursin, after the joint rally attended by officials main officers and all personnel of the North Maluku Regional Police, reported by Antara, Tuesday, October 5.

The seven North Maluku Police personnel who were sentenced to PTDH, namely Bripka Raniandini Yasa SH, Yanma Polda Malut, Bharatu Septian Munawar, Satbrimob Polda Malut, two Ternate Police Brigadier Mochamad Cholid and Brigadier Rahman Hartanto, one Halbar Police personnel Bripda Muh Taufan Madra, one personnel Halteng Polres Brigadier Abdul Taher Sepa, and Tidore Islands Police Brigadier Ridwan Anhar.

He stated that this proves that the National Police, in this case the North Maluku Police, are indiscriminate in enforcing the law, both members of the National Police and the public, if they are proven to have committed a violation, they will be dealt with firmly and vice versa.

He emphasized that the North Maluku Police also gave awards to 37 North Maluku Regional Police for their dedication in supporting the national vaccination program. both activities in the form of harkamtibmas, prevention of the spread of COVID-19 and the implementation of vaccinations in the North Maluku region.

Regarding rewards and punishments, the Kapolda hopes that in the future there will be no more North Maluku Police personnel committing violations such as desertion and other disgraceful acts.

"For that I emphasize to all Kasatker to carry out close supervision of all personnel, so that they feel constantly monitored and eliminate the intention to commit violations," said the Kapolda.

In addition, related to the implementation of the acceleration of vaccination, the Kapolda hopes that each personnel can assist in mobilizing the community, so that vaccination achievements in North Maluku Province can continue to increase.

"In accelerating vaccination, I emphasize to all personnel to always synergize with religious, traditional and community leaders, because these figures have close relations with the community, making it easier to invite people to participate in vaccinations," he said.

The Head of Public Relations of the North Maluku Police, Kombes Adip Rojikan, SIK MH, when confirmed regarding the provision of rewards and punishments to North Maluku Police personnel, explained that the 37 North Maluku Police personnel who received the award consisted of 3 Pamen, 2 Pama, 19 NCO, 8 Polri ASN, and 5 PHL. .

"Of these 37 personnel, five personnel were rewarded for their dedication to supporting the national vaccination program by inviting hundreds of people to the community, while 28 personnel were rewarded for their dedication as vaccinators who had vaccinated 31,368 people from February to September 2021, and four personnel given a reward in handling COVID-19 as a paramedic at Wisma Atlet Jakarta," said the Head of Public Relations.