Giri Suprapdiono Says There Will Be A Follow-Up Meeting With The Police To Discuss Offers To Become ASN J
JAKARTA - Former Director of Socialization and Anti-Corruption Campaign of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Giri Suprapdiono said that his meeting with eight former employees with the National Police had not specifically discussed the offer to become a State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in the Bhayangkara Corps.
He said the meeting on Monday, October 4 yesterday was only an initial meeting as an opening for communication.
"Similar to what was stated by Inspector General Argo (Head of Public Relations of the National Police Inspector General Argo, this meeting is still being carried out in preliminary discussions but not yet on substance," Giri told VOI, Tuesday, October 5.
Not disclosing the contents of the meeting, he only said that later the discussion to discuss the plan of the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo would be held again. When, Giri did not specify but this was done after he and his colleagues had discussions.
"This initial meeting will be followed by a follow-up meeting," said Giri.
As for the meeting that afternoon, Giri and eight of his colleagues discussed with the Bhayangkara Corps, led by the Assistant Chief of the National Police for Human Resources, Inspector General Wahyu Widada.
"There are nine of us, while from the Police there are several Pati and staff led by Irjenpol Wahyu Widada," he said.
Previously reported, the National Police met with representatives of 57 former employees who were expelled from the KPK. This meeting was based on the intention of the Bhayangkara Corps to recruit Novel Baswedan et al to strengthen the eradication of corruption.
The intention that came directly from the mouth of the National Police Chief was approved by President Joko Widodo through the Minister of State Secretary.
For information, 58 employees were declared no longer able to work at the KPK because they failed to become ASN according to the mandate of the KPK Law Number 19 of 2019 as of the end of last September. The employees include senior KPK investigators Novel Baswedan and Ambarita Damanik, Chairman of the KPK Employee Forum Yudi Purnomo, KPK investigator Harun Al-Rasyid, and dozens of other names.
In addition, there is also a young investigator, Lakso Anindito, who failed after taking a follow-up test because he had just finished his assignment. The KPK argued that they could not become ASN, not because of laws and regulations such as Perkom KPK Number 1 of 2021, but because of the results of their assessment.