COVID-19 Is The Reason Catherine Wilson Consumes Crystal Meth

JAKARTA - Indonesia's top artist and model, Catherine Wilson, said that consuming methamphetamine-type drugs to fill empty time in the mass of the COVID-19 pandemic is the reason.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Mertro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus said that the reason was often conveyed by other drug users. This admission is only in self defense.

"Yes, it is almost the same as the others, yes, if his confessions are in the absence of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is all he has to say," said Yusri, Tuesday, July 21.

In addition, investigators are still investigating the statement of Keket's nickname Catherine Wilson. Including the admission that he had just consumed methamphetamine for two months.

To prove Catherine's statement, investigators sent hair samples to the Forensic Laboratory (Labfor) for further examination.

"Initial admission he took two months, even said that only 3 orders. That's why we want to explore all of this first," said Yusri.

The British artist was arrested by the police on Friday, July 17. From the arrest, the police succeeded in confiscating crystal meth packages weighing 0.43 grams and 0.6 grams. In addition, the police also secured security officers at Keket's house. He is suspected of being the person who supplied Keket with crystal methamphetamine.

"Suspect J often bought illicit goods and the user was the owner of the house CW (Catherine Wilson, ed)," said Yusri.

After being arrested Catherine apologized for making a mistake. He promised not to repeat the deed.

For their actions, Catherine Wilson and J were subject to Article 114 paragraph (2) and Article 112 paragraph (2) of Indonesian Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics. Both of them face a minimum sentence of 5 years or a maximum of 15 to 20 years in prison.