Anticipating The Third Wave Of COVID, Regent Ade Yasin Extends Isoter Contract In Kemang Bogor

BOGOR - Bogor Regent Ade Yasin has extended the contract for the Integrated Isolation Center (Isoter) in Kemang District, Bogor Regency, West Java. This location is a building belonging to the Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDM) of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

"This is also an anticipation because according to observers there may be a third wave of COVID-19, hopefully this doesn't happen, the more empty the Isoter Center is, that's our hope, hopefully the case will continue to slow down," he said in Cibinong Bogor, Antara , Monday, October 4th.

According to him, the signing of the cooperation with the Ministry of Home Affairs regarding the use of the BPSDM Wisma is the third time, after the Bogor Regency Government used it as an isolation center two years ago.

"We have used the Kemang Isoter Center and its facilities for two years to treat COVID-19 patients. Thank God, our people who were exposed to COVID-19 were able to recover after being treated at the Isoter Center, one of which is the Kemang Isoter Center," said the Head of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force. Bogor Regency.

Ade Yasin said the extension of the isolation center contract was carried out as an effort to optimize the handling of COVID-19 in Bogor Regency. Now, the Bogor Regency Government has two isolation centers, in addition to Kemang, namely in Cibogo, Megamendung, which is the result of collaboration with the Artha Graha Peduli Foundation.

He said other handling of COVID-19 was carried out by accelerating vaccination of 70 percent of the population or 4.2 million people, equivalent to the obligation to inject 8.5 million doses of vaccine.

"From daily monitoring, it can reach 50-60 thousand people who are vaccinated. If you look at the current development, I think by November we can complete 70 percent, so that people can work and carry out their activities again and offices can be opened normally even though they are still open with health protocols. ," said Ade Yasin. (KR-MFS)