PPKM Outside Java-Bali Extended By 2 Weeks, Coordinating Minister Airlangga: Pidie, Bangka, Padang, Banjarmasin, Bulungan And Tarakan Still Level 4

JAKARTA - The government through the Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto has decided to extend the level 4 implementation of the Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) outside the Java-Bali region for the next two weeks, or to be precise until 18 October.

In his explanation, it was revealed that the six areas were Pidie Regency (Aceh), Bangka Regency (Bangka Belitung), Padang City (West Sumatra), Banjarmasin City (South Kalimantan), Bulungan Regency and Tarakan City (North Kalimantan).

"The six cities are still low in achieving the vaccination targets that have been determined," he said in a virtual press conference, Monday, October 4.

In his explanation, Airlangga explained that the highest status outside Java-Bali is level 3 with four provinces. Then level 2 as many as 22 provinces, and level 1 as many as one province.

One thing that is a relief is that Riau province, which had experienced a fairly high spike in cases, is now at level 1. Followed by East Kalimantan which also experienced an improvement from level 3 to level 2.

"Riau and East Kalimantan have dropped the level," he said.

In general, PPKM level 3 is in 43 districts/cities. This number decreased from the previous PPKM decree which was 108.

Then for regions with PPKM level 2 status, it rose to 292 districts/cities from the previous 249 regions because many had dropped their status from level 3.

Furthermore, for PPKM outside Java-Bali that applies level 1, it is called 44 districts/cities from the previous 18 regions.

On the same occasion, the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said that the government had not decided on the Jabodetabek area to downgrade its status from level 3 to level 2. The same goes for Bandung, Malang and Surabaya.