When Risma Angry PKH Officers And Offended Gorontalo Governor

JAKARTA - Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) Tri Rismaharini again stirred up controversy with his angry style, making Gorontalo Governor Rusli Habibie feel offended.

Risma's anger occurred during a meeting with Gorontalo Provincial officials regarding the distribution of social assistance (bansos) on Thursday, September 30.

Rusli considered that Risma's angry attitude while pointing at her citizens using a pen was inappropriate. In addition, Risma's action is considered to provide a bad example of how an official of a ministerial class behaves.

"When I saw the video, I was very concerned. I did not predict that a minister, social anymore, would treat it like that. This is a bad example," he explained, quoted from the official website of the Gorontalo Provincial Government, Saturday, October 2.

Risma's attitude was certainly not separated from the attention of Parliament. This is because the arrogant style of PDIP politicians often occurs.

Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives from the Gerindra faction, Fadli Zon, assessed that Risma's anger in public had exceeded the limit.

According to him, a problem will not be solved by venting anger.

"This angry behavior in public with verbal violence has exceeded the limit, it also does not solve the problem," wrote Fadli via his Twitter account @FadliZon, Sunday, October 3.

Not only criticism, Fadli Zon also advised Risma to immediately undergo therapy. The therapy is allegedly able to train a person in controlling anger emotions.

"It's better to immediately join "anger management" therapy," added the Gerindra politician.

Deputy Chairperson of the MPR Hidayat Nur Wahid also responded to Risma's attitude. He urged the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture or even the President as the superior of the Minister of Social Affairs to give a direct warning to the Minister of Social Affairs.

In order to calm the disappointment or anxiety that arises in the community, and so that similar incidents do not happen again in the future.

"The Minister of Social Affairs has been angry in public, at least to government officials in Jember, Bandung, Riau, and now in Gorontalo. Indeed, the problematic social assistance data in the regions needs to be corrected, but of course not with anger that does not solve the problem, it can be done by using a more elegant way. Moreover, it is not only the Regional Government that must be responsible, but also the Ministry of Social Affairs," said HNW in a statement, Sunday, October 30.

Hidayat, who is also a member of the DPR-RI Commission VIII as a partner of the Ministry of Social Affairs, assessed that the problem of social assistance data must be resolved immediately.

This requires conducive cooperation, because the responsibility lies not only with the local government, but also the Ministry of Social Affairs.

The deputy chairman of the PKS Shura Council also urged the Minister of Social Affairs to improve the way he communicates as a government official by not venting his anger in public.

"Angry attitude in public is prone to worsen relations between the center and the regions, even the Governor of Gorontalo, for example, is offended and asks the President to evaluate the attitude of the Minister of Social Affairs," said HNW.

Risma's angry actions were recorded in a video which eventually circulated widely on social media.

In the video, initially a man standing on the right side of Risma is talking while occasionally holding a cellphone. Risma also occasionally responds to the man's statement.

"So we don't cast, huh," said Risma while holding the mic, like in the video.

However, suddenly Risma's attention was drawn to the man in the red shirt on the left side of her front. Risma then walked up to the man angrily and pointed using an object such as a pen.

"Don't shoot you, you don't shoot, do you," said Risma to the man wearing a red shirt.

It is not clear why Risma suddenly behaved like that. However, when Risma walked, the man in the red shirt who was originally sitting stood up.

"Don't shoot you," said Risma, this time pushing the man using an object such as a pen.

Suddenly the man who was previously standing when Risma was approached suddenly sat down due to Risma's encouragement. The atmosphere of the meeting became silent at that time.

Risma was still standing in place for a few seconds while looking at the man in the red shirt. Not long after, Risma finally returned to her seat.

Again, Risma threw a high note again. He discussed related to DTKS.

"DTKS, DTKS are crossed out. I don't dare to cross," said Risma in a high tone.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Gorontalo Provincial Social Service, Muhammad Nadjamuddin, said that the anger of the Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini, to a coordinator of the Family Hope Program (PKH) was initiated because of a communication error.

At that time, said Nadjamuddin, Risma initially checked data on receipts of social assistance between banks as distributors and PKH coordinators in various regions. In addition, they were also asked to convey the obstacles in delivering aid to people in need.

"Asked how far the realization of the receipt or submission has been," said Nadjamuddin while talking to VOI via teleconference, Saturday, September 2.

However, due to data discrepancies, a coordinator said that some people had not received social assistance because they might have been crossed out. "Well, it was the strikethrough that made Mrs. Risma angry. That's the problem," he said.

"That's the problem. So this is a miscommunication about the data. That which after checking with the bank, the name is still there. What the PKH coordinator said was also immediately checked at the ministry because there happened to be an expert staff managing it and it turned out that the name was still there. there is," added Nadjamuddin.

However, he did not blame the difference in the data held by the PKH coordinator. The reason is that the data is not disclosed by the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) to the coordinator but only to the bank.

In fact, Nadjamuddin said that he also did not hold the data. So, this is what then causes problems and communication errors.

However, he did not expect Risma to be so angry that she pointed and pushed the coordinating officer who was conveying the problems he was facing. Moreover, he considered that the officer did not know anything because he was only trying to fight for the rights of the people who needed help.

"It's probably only because she said that she had been crossed out, well, Mrs. Risma got angry. 'I never crossed out I only expanded'. Then Mrs. Risma got angry, got angry, her blood pressure was high," he said.

"After that incident, after pointing it out, he immediately became angry, returned to his seat, and even chased him away. That's not good enough for us in the area," added Nadjamuddin.

He also did not deny that the atmosphere of the meeting that was held that day was not good, even the PKH coordinators did not want to convey the obstacles they faced in the field. However, this atmosphere was dissolving because the PKH coordinators spoke again with Risma and finally she found out about the problems she was facing.

"PKH friends still had time to tell me the truth. But I didn't follow it anymore. They said it again and then Mrs. Risma understood. That's what they told me. From there, Mrs. Risma understood what happened," he said.