Exclusive, Hosea Andreas Runs MICE Business Rises, Signs The Economy Is Starting To Recover

The MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferencing, Exhibitions) industry has been most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the Chairman of the Indonesian Exhibition Company Association (Asperapi) Hosea Andreas Runkat, the exhibition sector has barely moved during the pandemic. In this condition they ask the government to provide relaxation in licensing. One indicator of the rise of the economy, said Andre – as he is usually called – is the rise of the MICE industry after being silent during the pandemic.


Even though the condition is very difficult, but there is always hope to rise from adversity. For exhibition entrepreneurs who are members of Asperapi, they can actually survive if the conditions become more conducive. However, if the situation does not improve, Hosea Andreas Runkat as chairman of the association said that the most difficult conditions will be faced by its members.

"If things don't change until the end of the year, I'm not sure my friends can get through 2021 safely. Yesterday at the beginning of the year there was a slight movement. Then before Lebaran there was also an IMS (Indonesia Motor Show). I see friends there is hope. However, those beautiful dreams were all shattered when there was a second PPKM,” said Hosea Andreas Runkat who also serves as Director of Convention Services, Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) Convention Center.

“During the COVID-19 pandemic, people who wanted to take part in the exhibition had their first question about permits. Does the permit already exist? Is this an exhibition you want to hold allowed or not? The problem is that they have to spend a number of production costs related to the exhibition that will be followed. If it has been prepared, it turns out that at a later date the exhibition will be canceled, the money that has been spent will be lost," he told only Iqbal Irsyad, Edy Suherli, Savic Rabos and Rifai from VOI not long ago, while chatting casually about exhibition opportunities during the COVID-19 pandemic. at his office at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) Convention Center.

Hosea Andreas Runkat. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

During this COVID-19 pandemic, what are the impacts experienced by MICE entrepreneurs in general?

The reality is that the MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferencing, Exhibitions) industry is not moving during the COVID-19 pandemic. Because our industry is like a famous exhibition gathering a lot of people. That's a far cry from health protocols, whether we like it or not, we don't want to do it. There are also those who do through webinars or there are also those who do it with hybrid events, maybe that's what we can survive during this pandemic. But if we talk from the beginning of the pandemic, you could say our business has stopped.

If things don't change, how long will this MICE entrepreneur last?

If things don't change until the end of the year, I'm not sure my friends can get through 2021 safely. Yesterday at the beginning of the year there was a slight movement. Then before Lebaran there was also an IMS (Indonesia Motor Show). I see friends there is hope. However, those beautiful dreams were all shattered when there was a second PPKM.

Now the hope of MICE business friends is at the end of this year in October, November and December. Hopefully the situation will get better, the PPKM level will decrease and the exhibition can be held because the permit has been obtained. There are also some big exhibitions that will take place in those months and can be considered quite busy. All of these are still struggling and will be pursued by MICE entrepreneurs. However, if the situation does not change, many MICE industry players will collapse. Hopefully it doesn't happen and things get better.

Under these circumstances, what do you and your fellow MICE entrepreneurs hope for the government?

I have said many times in various events and opportunities, in fact we MICE entrepreneurs are just asking to be given the opportunity to do business as usual. Because the condition is still a pandemic, we will carry out restrictions and apply strict health protocols. This is what keeps us going. If you expect government assistance, how long? Such as grants for certain industries. I don't think it will help much.

If we are given the opportunity to hold exhibitions, given the relaxation of permits, I am sure that MICE businessmen will return to their previous formations. That's a more promising solution than providing assistance such as grants or other assistance.

When it comes to digitizing the exhibition, I don't think it's included in the entire MICE industry. Because only a few industries can. We're talking about digital, right, only a few people apply to operations. But if we do exhibitions offline or hybrid events, we can involve quite a lot of workers. In this context, there are also MSMEs that can be involved. So in my opinion, that's what should be done for now.

Hosea Andreas Runkat. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

Apart from licensing issues, is there still a problem with inter-agency policies that sometimes differ?

We in the MICE industry can't do much when it comes to regulations, the regulator is in the government. From the President, Ministers and on to the ranks below him. If there are regulations that are not in rhythm, it should be straightened out so as not to confuse us in the field. We don't have to talk about inter-institutional matters, in my institution sometimes there are differences.

Especially during this COVID-19, there are too many rules. There are regulations from the Ministry of Home Affairs, Regional Heads, related Ministries and so on. These sometimes overlap. As far as licensing matters. Well, we really want it to be able to run normally, yes, normal in the sense that we will carry out licensing arrangements and all kinds of things, but please, the perception between them is unified first. Don't throw this perception problem to us MICE industry players who think.

What was previously possible from 4 or 5 institutions, it was enough to coordinate once, finally we have to go to all of them. It's a waste of time. Too much effort there. Sometimes friends are already discouraged to go through all this. Yes, in the end, let's just consider this a test.

And the certainty of the permit is very crucial for MICE entrepreneurs?

That's how it is. For example, for an exhibition event in November or December, if I were asked about the certainty of the event, I would not be able to answer. The ones who can say for sure are the stakeholders, meaning the regulators. If we can only hope, we cannot determine. If I say November is going, but the permit from the government is not issued, we can't do anything either.

So it really depends on the regulator?

Yes, that's how it is. We are very dependent on the COVID-19 Task Force. If they say the situation is not conducive, we can't fight back. Because they had data before saying that. We must always coordinate with them when we want to carry out activities.

What are your hopes and also trying other MICE to get through this situation?

The main problem in our business is licensing, we can't run without permission from government agencies. To get that permit, we have to take many steps. Starting from socialization to implementing CHSE (Cleanliness, Health, Safety, Environment Sustainability) and getting CHSE certification. So almost everything is already in us, we just have to implement it. In what way? Yes, give us the opportunity to run the event. For the event to run, it means that the licensing must be completed.

Then in the middle of this year, due to the implementation of PPKM, our industrial conditions in the MICE sector were very difficult. We hope that the government through the ministries can hold MSME-based events, because they have a budget for that. This can encourage the MICE industry to move. Instead of being given a grant, I prefer to make an event so that we can work and benefit from it.

The impact is that if the event has occurred, the private sector will see that this industry is already moving. It turns out that the MICE world is still alive, the events are still running. This will stimulate the private sector to move with the MICE industry players to rise. In the MICE industry there is always innovation. Otherwise, we will lose to domestic players and foreign players.

If the MICE Industry rises, is that a sign that the economy will recover?

Yes, that's for sure. Moreover, there are MSMEs that are also involved in various events being held. If there is an even multiplier effect, the effect is also large and wide, that's why the economy is moving.

With a big motorbike, Hosea Andreas Runkat, you can enjoy country tourism
Hosea Andreas Runkat. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

Many kinds and types of tours. The means of transportation used can also vary, from planes, buses, to ships. But for Hosea Andreas Runkat he can really enjoy the beauty of Indonesian tourism by riding a motorbike. With a big motorbike he can visit tourist places that cannot be reached by car. This is his way of unwinding from his busy life in the MICE industry.

In this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, for Andre the most priority to stay healthy is to remove the burden of the mind. “In order to stay healthy, what we do is definitely eliminate the burden of the mind, how to release stress. Then carry out recommendations for exercising, taking vitamins, supplements, and so on, such as maintaining health procedures," said Andre, who once served as Chair of the MICE Acceleration Team of the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia 2017-2019.

For him there is a lesson behind this pandemic. I used to never sunbathe, now I'm diligent in sunbathing, I used to rarely do sports, now I'm starting to actively exercise even though it's not an extreme sport. “I started cycling even if it was just around the house,” he said.

In cycling Andre there is no specific target. For him the important thing is to move, sweat and he gets the sun. He has no target to cycle around the city with a distance of tens of kilometers. At least what he is doing now is better than before. "I exercise enough for my needs," he continued.

Hosea Andreas Runkat. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

In addition, he also gets information from friends about boosts or traditional drinks that can be beneficial for the body. “The burden of the mind is because there is no activity. If there are activities, everything can be distributed, but in the current conditions everything is limited,” he said.

Are there any restrictions for eating? “Actually there is because I have a classic disease, namely high blood pressure, uric acid and cholesterol. But during this pandemic I heard we have to release stress. One of them is by eating, but keeping it under control," he said. He took a compromise step, to the extent of satisfying his desire. "I'm not allowed to eat kale, but I also eat a little to just satisfy my cravings," he said.

For Andrea music is like water that is needed every day. “What would happen if there was no music in this world. It will feel very empty," said this Phil Collins fan. For films, he prefers romantic comedy genre films. "The easiest example is the Pretty Woman movie," said Andre, who also likes documentaries.

Andre suggested to millennials to start getting up early. “From the morning we can see life begin. Sports and exercise in the new day to start the activity. Don't get up straight to work. We can see the reality of a city's life in the morning,” he said.

Dream of Owning a Moge

Having a big motorbike or big motorbike is Andre's little dream. “Having a motorcycle is my dream come true. How come it's only now, because the luck is only now,” said the man who has almost dedicated his productive age in the MICE industry.

Hosea Andreas Runkat. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

By liking motorbikes, according to motorbikes, he knows better that Indonesia is good. "Why? Because I came to him when riding a motorcycle. During this time I also visited but mostly took planes, so I didn't enjoy it. By exploring with this wonderful Indonesian motorbike, you can really see and feel it," he said.

By touring to certain areas it has helped tourism. “We spend money on lodging, buying souvenirs and so on. More or less it helps the progress of the tourism world," he continued. "If I didn't play MOGE, I probably would never have been to the Aceh area," he said.

For touring, Andre has explored Sumatra, Java and Bali. “Because of my attachment to work, there are still many areas that have become a waiting list for me to explore. I want to go to Eastern Indonesia when the time is right," he said.

For overseas Hosea Andreas Runkat has experienced riding in America. “Twice I have traveled to America. There we learn discipline and obey traffic rules well. At that time, we can take a day off and enjoy it,” he said, adding that during the tour, preparedness was very much needed because the slightest mistake could have fatal consequences. Physical condition must be really good.

“Now the hope of MICE entrepreneurs is at the end of this year; October, November and December. Hopefully the situation will get better, the PPKM level will decrease and the exhibition can be held because the permit has been obtained. There are also some big exhibitions that will take place in those months and can be considered quite busy. All of these are still struggling and will be pursued by MICE entrepreneurs. However, if the situation does not change, many MICE industry players will collapse. Hopefully it doesn't happen and things can get better."

Hosea Andreas Runkat