Only 28 Patients Left, Lebak Banten Regency Government Is Optimistic That COVID Will Decline Until The End Of 2021

BANTEN - The Lebak Regency Government of Banten Province is optimistic that COVID-19 cases will continue to decline until the end of 2021. This optimism is in line with the improvement in handling so that there are no additional residents exposed to the virus.

Head of the Lebak Regency Communication and Information Office (Diskominfo), Dodi Irawan, said that currently the handling of the corona outbreak is getting better because of the hard work of all parties to overcome it.

The local government continues to make efforts with various policy regulations, including the implementation of restrictions on community activities (PPKM) for handling COVID-19.

In addition, it is also optimized for COVID-19 vaccination by involving partnerships and stakeholders to provide vaccination services to the local community.

The improvement in the handling of COVID-19 cases in Lebak Regency so far can be seen from no additional cases.

In fact, there are 28 active cases in this area. They are hospitalized and self-isolated for patients with mild symptoms.

"We are trying and trying our best to reach zero cases," said Dodi in Lebak, Antara, Sunday, October 3.

He also appreciated the medical staff working 24 hours so that the number of recoveries increased.

In addition, the implementation of vaccination in Lebak Regency went smoothly and there was no rejection from the residents. The high interest of the community to participate in vaccination also has a positive impact on the decline in cases.

In addition, the community can comply with health protocols and carry out vaccinations to achieve communal immunity.

The Lebak Regency Government continues to intensify vaccination socialization so that people want to be vaccinated, because the benefits are quite large for preventing exposure to the corona virus, as well as controlling death.

Vaccination organizers in the area include the Health Service, Police, TNI, private companies, BUMN to construction service associations. People can go to places where vaccination is carried out by bringing their identity cards (KTP).

"We encourage all citizens to be vaccinated so that Indonesia is free from COVID-19," he said.