Arrest 14 Drug Dealers, Police Call The Perpetrators Of Their Work As Farmers

SAMPANG - Police officers from Sampang, East Java arrested at least 10 drug dealers of methamphetamine and four as couriers.

"The arrests of the 10 dealers and four couriers were the result of the Tumpas Semeru Operation which we held for 12 days last September," said Sampang Police Narcotics Head AKP Andri Setya Putra quoting Antara, Saturday 2 October.

In addition to arresting 10 drug dealers and four drug couriers, officers also managed to confiscate 14.80 grams of methamphetamine ready to be circulated.

According to Andri, the 14 suspects, consisting of 10 dealers and four couriers, have been the operational targets (TO) of the police.

"They are included in our TO, based on the development of the investigation of a number of suspects in drug cases that we have arrested previously," he said.

Therefore, when the officers held Operation Tumpas Semeru 2021 targeting various types of community diseases, the officers immediately focused on the names that had been entered in the police records.

The Narcotics Head explained that the suspects arrested by officers in the operation came from Sokobanah District as many as 1 person, from Banyuates District 3 people, Pangarengan 2 people, Jrengik 1 person, Ketapang 1 person, Sampang 1 person, Camplong 4 people, and Omben 1 person.

The suspects are aged between 20 and 35 years with jobs as farmers.

"On average, they don't get an education or they don't graduate from elementary school," said Andri.