Psikotes Degree For Cadres, PDIP: Profiling Efforts For Assignments

JAKARTA - The PDI-P (PDIP) held a psychological test starting from the central level. PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto said this activity was in collaboration with the Indonesian Psychological Association (Himpsi) Jakarta.

"The psychological test does not only map things related to personality but also leadership, fighting power, and managerial ability," said Hasto in a written statement, Saturday, September 2.

This psychological test activity was carried out at the PDI Perjuangan DPP Party School, Jalan Lenteng Agung 99, South Jakarta with online or paperless tests, group discussion tests and in-depth interviews.

"This psychological test is a systemic effort and is placed as part of cadre consolidation. Profiling of every party cadre in the party structure, party legislature, and party executive is carried out. Psychotest results are very important in assigning party cadres," said Hasto.

According to the direction of PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri, he continued, this test activity was carried out from cadres at the center and members of the PDIP faction in the DPR RI. This was done to provide an example to the regions about the importance of applying science and technology in party management.

In addition, this psychological test and gradual regeneration was also carried out to answer the expectations of the community so that the party bearing the bull symbol would continue to organize itself, make systematic improvements, and meet the qualifications as a vanguard party. "Where every cadre is firm in the ideology of Pancasila and understands all the ideas, ideas, ideals and struggles of Bung Karno," said Hasto.

"In addition, all cadres also understand the importance of mastering science and technology, research, and information for the progress of the nation," he concluded.