It Turns Out That The Passenger Was Robbed, The Grabcar Driver Was Stabbed In The Neck, The Driver Still Resisted, The Robber Was Kicked Out Of The Car
BEKASI - The police managed to apprehend the perpetrators of the robbery against an online taxi driver in Jatimkar, Jatiasih, Bekasi City. The Bekasi City Metro Police Chief, Kombes Pol Aloysius Suprijadi said that the perpetrator with the initials MR initially pretended to ask to be escorted to Bekasi. However, on the way the victim was strangled and stabbed with a sharp weapon in the neck.
"The victim is a Grabcar driver, the perpetrator is one person pretending to be a passenger," said Kombes Suprijadi in his statement, Friday, October 1.
Despite being injured, said Suprijadi, the victim who fought back finally survived by kicking the perpetrator out of the car.
"There was a fight, the victim who had suffered injuries pushed the perpetrator out of the vehicle," he explained.
With his body full of wounds, the victim tried to run the vehicle while screaming for help. The screams were heard by local residents who approached and took the victim to the hospital.
Officers who received the incident report rushed to investigate the scene and managed to arrest the perpetrator in Jatiasih.
"The condition of the victim (the online taxi driver) is currently still under medical treatment because he suffered injuries from a sharp weapon, the victim's condition has begun to improve," he said.
As a result of his actions, the suspect will be subject to Article 365 of the Criminal Code concerning theft by weight. The penalty for this is a maximum imprisonment of 12 years.