Risma Marahi PKH Coordinator, Kadinsos Gorontalo Province: The Governor Is Offended, Why Don't You Get Angry Just Don't Build It?

JAKARTA - Head of the Gorontalo Provincial Social Service Muhammad Nadjamuddin said Gorontalo Governor Rusli Habibie was offended by the attitude of Social Minister Tri Rismaharini who scolded a coordinator of the Family Hope Program (PKH) in a meeting held on Thursday, September 30.

Nadjamuddin said that at that time, Rusli did not directly see what happened when Risma scolded the PKH coordinator.

He said the Gorontalo Governor at that time was accompanying another minister who was on a working visit and learned of the incident after seeing a video that went viral on social media.

"There were people who recorded it and went viral. The governor immediately asked me how it was chronologically," said Nadjamuddin when contacted by VOI via teleconference, Saturday, September 2.

After hearing his explanation, Rusli - based on Nadjamuddin's confession - asked the reason for Risma's anger because she felt offended after a resident was scolded. "There, the Governor was offended, 'why do you get angry? Why not just develop it, solve it. What's the problem?'," he said.

"If it's a mistake, who hasn't done anything wrong. Those who work don't do anything wrong. That's the problem," added Nadjamuddin.

Previously, he explained that Risma's anger initially occurred when the PDI-P politician checked data on receipts of social assistance between the bank as a distributor and the PKH coordinators in various regions. In addition, they were also asked to convey the obstacles in delivering aid to people in need.

"It was asked to what extent the realization of the acceptance or submission has been," said Nadjamuddin.

However, due to data discrepancies, a coordinator said that some people had not received social assistance because they might have been crossed out. "Well, it was the strikethrough that made Mrs. Risma angry. That's the problem," he said.

"That's the problem. So this is a miscommunication about the data. That which after checking with the bank, the name is still there. What the PKH coordinator said was also immediately checked at the ministry because there happened to be an expert staff managing it and it turned out that the name was still there. there is," added Nadjamuddin.

However, he did not blame the difference in the data held by the PKH coordinator. The reason is that the data is not disclosed by the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) to the coordinator but only to the bank.

"The SP2D is from the Ministry of Social Affairs only to the bank. Then the bank conveys it to the PKH assistant, including the district or city. I can't even get the provincial service. Here is the problem," explained Nadjamuddin.

He did not expect Risma to be so angry that she pointed and pushed the coordinating officer who was conveying the problems he was facing. Moreover, he considered that the officer did not know anything because he was only trying to fight for the rights of the people who needed help.

"It's probably only because she said that she had been crossed out, well, Mrs. Risma got angry. 'I never crossed out I only expanded'. Then Mrs. Risma got angry, got angry, her blood pressure was high," he said.

"After that incident, after pointing it out, he immediately became angry, returned to his seat, and even kicked him out. That's what made us less good in the area," said Nadjamuddin.