Recommended Free Workout Apps To Help Exercise At Home

YOGYAKARTA - As technology continues to develop, there are many things you can do at home, especially to fill your spare time during the pandemic. One of them is doing sports activities or shaping the body to be more ideal.

If you don't know the steps to take to get the ideal body, workout apps can be the solution. No need to worry about costs, because there are many workout apps that you can download for free via your smartphone.

Here is a workout app that can help you do exercise at home for free. You can use your smartphone or tablet as a personal trainer to help you.

Some applications are also compatible with the use of wearables such as smartbands or smartwatches, so that sensations and data recording during exercise will be maximized and accurate like using the services of a real personal trainer.

Home Workout - No Equipment

The Home Workout - No Equipment application will help you exercise on your own without using tools and without the need to pay for a personal trainer. You can see videos explaining how to perform each of his moves in the app.

Some of the exercises you can do with Home Workout - No Equipment are chest, abdominal, shoulder, back exercises, to planning food intake for those of you who want to run a diet program. Everything is available in the Home Workout - No Equipment app. You can also adjust the training level according to your abilities.

30 Day Fitness Challenge - Workout at Home

Designed by professional fitness trainers, 30 Day Fitness Challenge - Workout at Home will challenge you to complete all workouts in 30 days. You can choose the level of practice according to your abilities from beginners to professionals.

The exercise time will also be adjusted to the needs of the body which will continue to grow every day. There are directing videos that will teach you to do fitness moves that you've never done before.

Freeletics: Personal Trainer & Fitness Workouts

The Freeletics: Personal Trainer & Fitness Workouts app will teach you 900 variations of exercise that you can do without using tools. Not only losing weight, the workout application will also help you get used to doing sports movements that build muscle.

In addition, you can also join sports communities and do sports activities together. These communities will surely motivate you to start a healthy lifestyle and be diligent in exercising.

Nike Training Club

The Nike Training Club app offers a number of short, self-instructed exercises. If you're using an iPhone, the Nike Training Club app will make your workout even easier because it's connected to your Apple Watch.

Although accessible for free, Nike Training Club also offers paid premium content, such as guided video workout programs curated by professional trainers. From yoga to bodyweight exercises to lifting tips and how to get a toned stomach.

The Nike Training Club also offers a comprehensive glossary of home workout and running tracking features, with smart integrations built in throughout.

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Simply Yoga

Simply Yoga comes with instructor videos of varying lengths that walk you through all the basic yoga poses, making them easy to follow at home. This is an app that is quite easy to use and provides a good workout.

If you use the free version there will be pop-up ads in the video, but if you are willing to spend more money, you can access the video comfortably and get more features and get a professional guide to do yoga.

Those are some workout applications that you can try for free to help you do sports at home so you can follow a healthy lifestyle and have an ideal body shape.