Happy Couples Talk About These 10 Things In Daily Life

JAKARTA – Small talk with your partner on weekends might be fun. But a study in Psychological Sciencestudy claims that people are happier when they spend more time discussing meaningful topics.

Based on the study above, the composition of happy couples' chats is 10 percent small talk. But the study didn't conclude whether serious chats were about being happy or whether those discussions made them happy.

Reported by Your Tango, Friday, October 1, happy couples can talk about future plans to political preferences without justifying. What else? Here's the list.

1. Embarrassing moment

Telling things, including embarrassing and experienced by your partner is a way to find out who he really is. Don't be afraid to tell embarrassing things, because who else can you tell about unusual events.

2. Talking about politics

Starting from regulations, laws, to when the election can be a 'serious' conversation. But isn't a healthy relationship also about background thinking and a bit philosophical?

3. Fear and insecurity

Talk about what makes you afraid and insecure in order to understand each other. Something that makes a person feel vulnerable, such as a bad past, needs to be shared with a partner so that they can support each other.

4. Stories about childhood

Ask your partner what he or she was like as a child. What is his favorite toy until his school days. Childhood memories are not only fresh and fun chats, they can also provide insight into how your partner became the person they are today.

5. Even though it's a bit sensitive, it's necessary to talk about your ex

A person's experiences in the past shape the way he views the present. Including the experience of love stories in the past to establish a wiser relationship. Many happy couples view the experience with their ex as a process of finding new life and learning.

6. Most recent events

Topics about the most recent events can be fun to talk about for happy couples. because times are constantly evolving, there's nothing wrong with updating knowledge and developing interests with your partner.

7. Family relationship

Telling the story and family tree of each paired person will certainly be fun. In addition to getting to know each family from a partner, you can also get to know family traditions.

8. Discussion about movies

According to doctor Mehl, researcher at Psychological Sciencestudy, discussions about films can be meaningful. He classified deep conversations about television shows and films. More than talking about sexy leading actors, but also touching the story plot, characters, and cinematography.

9. About the future

The future can be filled with uncertainty if there is no meaningful conversation about the plans, dreams, actions, and achievements of each or with a partner. Open to each other will be easier to measure and position themselves.

10. Share aspirations

Sharing aspirations is a form of support for partners to achieve their dreams. Without dropping, each partner can make up for each other's shortcomings.

Is there anything on the list above that you and your partner talk about when you are alone?