Clueless Film Celebrates 25 Years Of First Airing

JAKARTA - The film Clueless celebrated 25 years of broadcast on 19 July. This American teen comedy film is one of the legendary classics that is still being talked about today.

Directed by Amy Heckerling, Clueless tells the story of a rich teenager Cher Horowitz (Alicia Silverstone) who goes through ups and downs during school. Quoted from Forbes, Heckerling did not expect this film to be known and celebrate the age of 25 years.

“For many people, this is a little girl film. We don't have big stars, the female lead is a little girl, and it was going to be released in a children's comedy film. Nobody imagined we were anything or counted everything. "

But Clueless instead created a new star. Not only Alicia Silverstone, names like Brittany Murphy, Paul Rudd, and Donald Faison are also top teen stars who currently star in dozens of films.

This film managed to earn 56 million United States dollars, a figure large enough for a romantic comedy genre film.

Heckerling added, Clueless is not a tent pole film that is projected to be a box office. In fact, Clueless not only brings benefits but is still popular with the public today.

Clueless is not just a film about fashion with a selfish and fashionable girl character. As the title suggests, this film tells the development of adolescents who have no clue (clueless) about their life.

Described as a selfish and selfish character, Cher is a portrait of a teenager who is growing to become a better person. Of course, this film deserves to be watched by all people.

The Clueless cast also celebrated the film's 25 years by making tweets regarding the film's scenes. One of them is Alicia Silverstone who retweeted a photo of Cher's scene uploaded by Netflix.

Not only celebrated with tweets and social media support, Clueless will be released on blu-ray and steelbook on Tuesday, July 21 US time. Currently, Clueless can be watched via Netflix.