COVID In Lampung Increases By 40 Cases, The Most In Bandarlampung City

LAMPUNG - The Lampung Provincial Health Office (Dinkes) recorded an increase in the number of COVID-19 patients as many as 40 people. Cumulatively with this increase, the number of COVID-19 in Lampung has increased to 49,104 people.

"There are 40 additional positive cases of COVID-19 in Lampung," said the Head of the Lampung Provincial Health Office, Reihana in a written statement in Bandarlampung, Antara, Friday, October 1.

The positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 came from 12 districts and cities in Lampung. The details, Bandarlampung City have 6 cases, Metro City 2 cases, Central Lampung Regency 3 cases, East Lampung 2 cases.

Furthermore, West Lampung Regency 6 people, South Lampung 6 people, Way Kanan 2 people, Pringsewu 7 people, Tulang Bawang 1 people, Mesuji 1 people, Tanggamus 3 people, and Pesisir Barat 1 people.

Meanwhile, the death cases increased by three people, bringing the total from 3,774 cases to 3,777 cases.

According to him, the additional death cases were in Bandar Lampung City 1 person, Central Lampung Regency 1 person, and East Lampung 1 person.

"As for the suspected cases, 9 new cases have been added and 60 are being monitored, bringing the total to 69 suspected cases," he said.