Miiris, Viral School Student Hanging On A Rope A Bridge That Was Badly Damaged While Crossing A River In North Nias

MEDAN - The access of students in Mazingo Village, Alasa Talumuzoi District, North Nias Regency, North Sumatra, to study at their schools is very worrying. In order to get to school, the students had to risk their lives by hanging on a rope from a suspension bridge that was badly damaged.

The student's action was recorded and went viral on social media. In the video, female students can be seen wearing blue and white clothes and scout clothes hanging by a rope from a suspension bridge.

The narration in the video states “the struggle of students in North Nias to go to school. Address Mazingo Village, Alasa Talumuzoi District, North Nias Regency. Hopefully someone cares and fixes it."

In the video, it can be seen that the suspension bridge that the students were crossing was in a badly damaged condition. The floor of the bridge is made of wood, most of it is gone.

Students can be seen hanging from a rope suspension bridge on the Muzoi River. Some of his friends who had managed to cross were seen encouraging their friends who were still holding on to the rope.

Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of North Nias Regency, Herman Zebua, confirmed the condition of the bridge that was badly damaged. He said his party had also reviewed the bridge.

"Yes, that's right. It's a suspension bridge, so 3 days ago there was a flood, it hit there," said Herman, October 1.

He explained that the video was recorded when the students came home from school. "Indeed coming home from school. It happened, approximately 3 days ago," he explained.

Currently, said Herman, the PUPR Office of North Nias Regency is planning to repair the bridge. Herman emphasized that repairs would be carried out as soon as possible, considering the condition was very dangerous.

"The repairs will be carried out immediately, it is very dangerous, it is a bridge that people usually pass. There are other roads, only further for sure," he said.