Disney Finally Boycotted Ads On Facebook And Instagram

JAKARTA - The animated film production house of Walt Disney Co. decided to join the ranks of the world's companies boycotting advertising on social media platforms Facebook and Instagram. This is due to Disney's concern about Facebook's policy of allowing negative content.

Citing Market Watch, Monday, July 20, Disney has temporarily stopped advertising for the Disney Plus streaming service on Facebook. Likewise for the Hulu streaming service on Instagram.

It is known, Disney spent about 210 million US dollars to put Disney Plus ads on Facebook since the beginning of 2020. As for Hulu ads on Instagram, Disney has spent 16 million US dollars, on April 15 and June 30.

According to research firm Pathmatics Inc, Disney accounts for approximately 0.45 percent of Facebook's revenue. However, with Disney joining in to boycott ads on Facebook, it will clearly reduce the revenue of Mark Zuckerberg's company.

Previously, through the hashtag #StopHateforProfit which was campaigned for by the non-profit organization Anti-Defamation League (ADL) sued or forced Mark Zuckerberg's social media to change its platform in dealing with hate speech circulating on its social media.

A number of large companies joined the organization and boycotted ad serving and content on Facebook. Several large companies including Hershey, Honda, Ben & Jerry's, Verizon, Coca-Cola, Lego, Starbucks, and Unilever and Microsoft also stopped their advertisements on Facebook and Instagram until next August.