Commemorating International Coffee Day, Here Are Some Facts About Coffee You Need To Know

JAKARTA - Every October 1, since 2015 the world commemorates International Coffee Day or also known as International Coffee Day. How not, coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. Each country has a different type of coffee, even with how to enjoy it.

On this special international coffee day, VOI will give you some coffee-related facts that you shouldn't miss. Adapting the Kompas page, Friday, October 1, the following is interesting information about coffee.

Kopi Luwak is the most expensive type of coffee

Who doesn't know Kopi Luwak? This coffee, which is made from civet droppings, is considered the most expensive coffee in the world. The market price in the world can reach 350 Euro/kilogram or equivalent to Rp. 5,000,000/kilogram.

Coffee Beans (Juan Pablo/Pexels)
Divorce can happen because of coffee

As it turns out, coffee also had a big influence on households in Ancient Arab culture. It is said that the husband can sue for divorce from his wife if the coffee made by the wife is considered less than stable.

Creamer can make coffee warm longer

Do you know? If you add creamer to coffee, it will keep it warm 20 percent longer. Can't believe it? Can immediately try after reading this article.

Coffee is a fruit

If you've been thinking coffee is a grain, then you're wrong. Coffee belongs to the category of fruits. Before processing, coffee has the same shape as a cherry.

Shepherd goats were the first to discover coffee

This story begins in the 1500s, long before the International Coffee Day was established. At that time, there was a goat herder who saw his goat eating coffee cherries. Soon he saw a change in the behavior of his livestock where the goats seemed to never run out of energy during the day and did not sleep at night.

The shepherd then distributed the coffee beans to the local monks. After consuming coffee, they realized that they could stay up all night and pray.

Coffee in a glass (Maddy Freddie/Pexels)
Coffee is the second largest traded commodity in the world

Crude oil became the first largest commodity after coffee. In addition, coffee is also the most consumed beverage after water.

Coffee was banned in Mecca

In 1511, the Meccan government banned its citizens from drinking coffee because they believed that coffee stimulated radical thinking and laziness.